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index fund

5 Benefits of Investing in UTI Flexi Cap Fund

332 ViewsAn open-ended equity plan called UTI Flexi Cap Fund makes investments in big, midsize, and small-cap firms. This fund provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of stocks across market capitalization. Here are 5 key benefits of investing in uti flexi cap fund: 1. Flexibility to invest across market caps: [...]


Obey the law when starting your own business

318 ViewsWhen starting your own business, there are a few key laws you need to know to ensure your business is legal and compliant. The Business Names Act 2002  : This law requires companies to register their business name with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). This helps to [...]

different laws

The different laws you need to know to set up your business

303 ViewsCreating a business goes through a well-defined procedure. Certain laws and regulations are imposed on each entrepreneur wishing to launch his activity. More than obligations, some even help to facilitate business creation. Here are 4 laws you need to know to start your business. Business creation: the reforms of [...]

Bike insurance:

Bike insurance: which insurance to choose?

330 ViewsLike any human activity, cycling can involve your civil liability. This can be incurred because of the damage you may cause to others by your act, your negligence, your imprudence, but also by the fact of your bike (articles 1240 to 1242 of the Civil Code). It should be [...]