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Ora Partners

A Short Review of Offshore Trusts and Estate Planning


Offshore trusts like those offered by wealth solutions firms such as UBS or Ora Partners are a popular tool for individuals looking to protect their assets and properly manage their estate planning. By placing assets into a trust located in a foreign jurisdiction, individuals may be able to benefit from legal and tax advantages.

However, it is important to note that offshore trusts also come with various limitations that must be carefully considered. One of the most significant drawbacks of offshore trusts is that once assets are transferred to the trust, they cannot be reclaimed by the owner. It means that individuals must be sure that the assets they wish to transfer are no longer needed for their personal use.

In addition to this, assets placed in an offshore trust are not always invulnerable to claims by U.S. creditors as well as litigants. However, being in a foreign offshore jurisdiction does make it a lot more difficult and certainly more expensive for others to pursue claims against assets in the offshore trust. It has been known to discourage interested parties from attempting to collect debts and lawsuit damages from the trust.

It is also worth noting that while trusts can help with the taxes, U.S. citizens who establish offshore trusts will not be able to escape all taxes as well. Earnings by assets in an offshore trust are free of U.S. taxes.

On the other hand, U.S. citizens who receive distributions as beneficiaries still have to pay U.S. income taxes on the distributions, while U.S. owners of offshore trusts are also required to file reports with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service).

The legal costs for setting up offshore trusts can also be quite significant. Trusts also need to pay ongoing fees to the trustees who are managing the trusts. The expenses of establishing and maintaining offshore trusts mean these accounts are most suitable for business owners, certain professionals such as doctors with specialties, and, of course, individuals with a high net worth. These trusts are also ideal for people who are exposed a lot more to liability.

Offshore trusts carry special risks as well. Trustees have to be selected and scrutinized to reduce the risk of mismanagement as well as embezzlement of trust funds. Corruption can likewise be a problem in some countries. In addition to all this, it’s important to select a country that is not likely to undergo political unrest and regime change or economic upheaval that leads to rapid changes to tax policies. All these issues could make an offshore trust less useful.

Finally, asset protection trusts normally have to be established before they are needed. Their domestic counterparts may provide little-to-zero protection against U.S. creditors as well as court judgments even when they are set up in advance.

While offshore trusts can sometimes be useful when established after a claim is made, they are not completely perfect protection against domestic claims.

On the matter of estate planning

Understanding and knowing the right time to use a specific trust, as well as which trust would provide the most benefit, may be confusing for people who have no prior experience in estate planning. Financial advisors can help people navigate the entire process and make it simpler. Finding a qualified and trustworthy financial advisor doesn’t have to be all that difficult.

High net-worth individuals will certainly need a particular type of planning for their estate. Like all huge and important transactions, experts note that people should never forego the need for advisors, especially if they have littleexperience in financial matters.

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