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The different laws you need to know to set up your business


Creating a business goes through a well-defined procedure. Certain laws and regulations are imposed on each entrepreneur wishing to launch his activity. More than obligations, some even help to facilitate business creation. Here are 4 laws you need to know to start your business.

Business creation: the reforms of the PACTE law

It is one of the most recent laws within the scope of business regulation. The Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation (PACTE) was promulgated on May 22, 2019.

Simplifying business creation is one of the key points of this project. In concrete terms, the Pacte law has initiated the improvement of the online business creation service by reducing process times. A single platform will then be used for the creation of companies. It will replace the seven existing business formalities centres.

In addition, this law also highlights the choice of the company’s stakes. On this point, the Pacte law and the CSR complement each other. It defines a more social and environmental context with objectives generally limited to the business economy.

Business creation: Corporate Social Responsibility as a business strategy

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a principle that has existed since the 1960s. It was not until 2010 that a standard was published to give legal substance to the concept.

The objective is to bring companies to take into account social, environmental and ethical issues in addition to economic ones. It is also and above all a strategy that can increase your company’s economic performance.

Indeed, commitment to environmental and social causes can influence consumer decisions. 80% of consumers would be inclined to buy their products from a supplier concerned about environmental issues. Taking CSR into account is therefore an excellent springboard for your company’s finances.

Business creation: the importance of properly determining the legal status of your business

The choice of the legal status of the company is an obligation for anyone wishing to launch their commercial activity. Corporate status impacts every part of your business. There are rules, advantages and constraints inherent in each status, it is therefore essential to think about them sufficiently.

However, the choice of legal status essentially depends on the characteristics of the business you intend to launch. Among other things, it will be necessary to take into account:

Once these criteria have been studied, you can choose the legal form of the company. Sole proprietorship, SARL, SASU, SCP, EIRL… The choice is yours.

Business creation: the Dutreil law, a tax advantage for entrepreneurs

It was on August 6, 2003 that the Dutreil law was promulgated. This is a law on economic initiative. The objective of the Dutreil law is to facilitate the procedure for creating new companies. It reduces the amount of share capital to be paid before any business registration.

The Dutreil law, for example, authorizes SARLs to deposit a share capital of 1 euro. This tax revolution has allowed many entrepreneurs to get started without having to pay huge sums.

The process of setting up a business can sometimes be complicated for entrepreneurs. These laws and regulations exist to provide substantial support to these entrepreneurs.

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